Will people do just about anything to keep from being alone?

Jocelyn Blair
2 min readAug 31, 2020

As a saying goes: People are lonely, but terrible is not lonely, but afraid of loneliness.

When you are lonely, I suggest the following things you might try to do.

1. Go for a walk to the zoo. Look at the animals in the zoo and you can also try to learn the animal’s calls.

2.Go to a park or botanical garden. There you can go and find the tree that is most closely related to you, and then you can touch its lines with your hands, hug it, and feel the peace it brings you.

3. Make a list. Feel free to record something, whether it’s a place you’ve been, a delicious treat you’ve tasted, or your wish list. This way your loneliness in such a trivial little thing among them will be dissolved.

4. Go to the supermarket. You can see every goods carefully and you can also chat with the promotion lady in the supermarket.

5. Type out a keyword at random, and then search for a picture of it. You admire each picture you are interested in, and then imagine a story about the picture.

6. Go outside and take a random bus. Get off wherever you want to get off and see the city you are staying in.

If you are lonely at the moment, you can try doing some of these things.



Jocelyn Blair

I’m Jocelyn, and I’m a writer, focusing on the emotional and psychological areas. My blog: firstdatingadvice.com